Levels of graphic comprehension of students when faced with questions focused on decision making
Middle education, Statistics, Graphics, Reading, Decision makingAbstract
To make informed decisions, the common citizen faces the challenge of reading, interpreting, and analyzing data represented in statistical graphs. This exploratory and descriptive study analyzes the level of graphic comprehension evidenced by a group of Chilean high school students when faced with questions focused on decision making based on a close context, according to the hierarchy proposed by García-García and collaborators. In general, most of the students show aspects of level four, integrative, when integrating with the context from the analysis of the data and the contextual variables shown in the graph. Although this significant proportion of students can make appropriate associations between data, the level of decision making of others is supported only by personal beliefs about the context. This will allow us, for future studies, to design activities to help students make decisions based on data analysis.
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