Development of a scale to measure research competences in teachers and university students
Investigative competence, investigative skills, scientific method, investigative performance, measurement scaleAbstract
Research skills are essential in various professions and areas of knowledge; however, in the specialized literature the need to have instruments that allow them to be evaluated in a valid and reliable manner is reported. The purpose of this study was to design and validate a scale to measure research skills in university professors and postgraduate students. These competencies were defined as the ability of individuals, based on the integration of their knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experience, to use the scientific method productively and independently. The research was carried out under the postulates of the explanatory paradigm, with a quantitative approach and a descriptive-transversal and inferential design. A sample of n = 304 subjects was used. The final version of the scale, after the psychometric study, consisted of 20 items. The results indicate that there are two dimensions in the structure of the scale, one referring to the problem and its foundation (factor 1) and another to the methodological dimension (factor 2). It is concluded that the scale meets the psychometric requirements of validity and reliability, which makes it an appropriate instrument to measure investigative skills in teachers and postgraduate students.
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