Changes in the dynamics of scientific research with artificial intelligence communication and information technologies


  • Claudio Rama Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Bogotá, Colombia


Research, Scientific method, Artificial intelligence, Research machines, Research factories


The growing irruption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a new communication and information technology poses new ways of approaching scientific research in relation to methodological processes, which imposes a relative "industrialization" of the Scientific Method. The article is oriented to formulate a hypothesis on the impact of AI on research and proposes a research periodization based on its articulation with ICT, as techniques to support scientific research. In this objective, it considers a change in the role of research with the emergence of AI.


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Author Biography

Claudio Rama, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Bogotá, Colombia

Economista, Máster en Educación; Doctor en Educación; Doctor en Derecho y cuatro Posdoctorados. Investigador de la Universidad de la Empresa (UDE) (Uruguay). Consejero de la Red de Universidades ILUMNO. Sistema Nacional de Investigación (SIN, Nivel 2, Visiting Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica do Paraná (PUCP).


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How to Cite

Rama, C. (2024). Changes in the dynamics of scientific research with artificial intelligence communication and information technologies. Areté, Doctorate in Education Digital Journal, 10(ee), 23–32. Retrieved from