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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • DOIs and web addresses have been added for references where possible (each link must be active).
  • The manuscript has at least 20 references of articles published in recognized and indexed research journals and 60% of them belong to mainstream journals (Scielo, Scopus or Web of Science).
  • The article is original, unpublished, has not been sent for review to other journals and complies with the editorial standards of the journal. Authors have no commitments or financial obligations with state or private organizations that may affect the content, results or conclusions of their work.
  • The submission file is in editable Microsoft Word format, version 2016 or higher, in which it is not possible to identify its authors and using the Areté Template.
  • The manuscript meets the requirements for blind review, so that it is not possible to identify the submitting authors or their institutions or data that would reveal their identity (project codes or names, titles of specific research, etc.).
  • The reference list is complete and was elaborated according to the journal's standards.
  • The manuscript is on letter size paper, single spaced, font size is 12 point, italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs and DOIs). All illustrations, figures and tables are within the text, in the corresponding place and it is indicated whether they are self-made or the source from which they are extracted.
  • All sources cited in the manuscript of the article are clearly identified and follow the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in About the journal.

Author Guidelines


Areté Digital Journal of the Doctorate in Education is an arbitrated scientific publication with open access, every six months. Its primary objective is the dissemination and exchange of scientific and humanistic research in the field of education. Areté publishes original and unpublished research articles, although it may also publish scientific essays, which will be strictly received at the request or commission of the Editorial Board and will also be arbitrated. Areté is plural in terms of diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives as long as the works express rigorous results and meet the criteria of importance, relevance and pertinence.

Areté, Digital Journal of the Doctorate in Education, does not charge fees for submission of papers, nor fees for the publication of its articles. However, if necessary, it may request collaboration from the authors of approved articles to cover the costs of marking or other processes related to the publication. 

Publication Rules

1. The manuscript

1.1. The manuscript must be original and unpublished. It must not have been published through any printed or digital media at the time of submitting it to Areté, nor being in the process of evaluation or publication by any other journal.

1.2. The manuscript must be the product of an investigation, completed or in progress, which allows an advance in the understanding of the phenomenon under study. It must also have the necessary theoretical support and show explicitly and rigorously the methodology applied in the study.

1.3. Receipt of the manuscript under no circumstances implies commitment to publication by Areté.

1.4. The content of the articles will be the sole and entire responsibility of their authors.

2. The preparation of the manuscript.

The text of the manuscript must be prepared using Microsoft Word (extension .doc or .docx), in Spanish or Portuguese.

2.1. The manuscript must be prepared using the Areté article template.

2.2. The manuscript must be written on Letter size paper with margins of 3 cm on each side.

2.3. The title of the article must have a maximum of 15 words. It is written centered with Lato Medium font size 14 points. The rest of the titles should be left aligned in Open Sans Light font. The size of each section and the numbering format are indicated in Table 1.

Table 1. Title Formats


Font, Size and Style

Article title

Lato Medium 14 points, centered, upper case

English title

Lato Light 12 points, centered, upper case

1st level

Open Sans Light 12 points, Versalitas, numbered

2nd level

Open Sans Light 11 points

3rd level

Open Sans Light 11 points, italic

4th level

Open Sans Light 10 points


2.4. The maximum number of authors in an article is four. Each author must be identified with their name, affiliation institution, email and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification). If you do not have ORCID you can register, free of charge, at

2.5. The article should have a summary in Spanish and in English, when the work is in Spanish. If the manuscript is in Portuguese, the summary must be written in two languages: Portuguese and Spanish. The structure should be: brief introduction with objective, method, results and conclusions. A maximum of 200 words should be used in the abstract. The text of the abstract is a single paragraph, written in Times New Roman 12, single-spaced, justified, with 0-point spacing before and 6-point spacing after it. No additional space is required after this summary.

2.6. The abstract must be accompanied by five (5) keywords (Palabras clave / Palavras-chave). It is recommended to use the thesaurus of ERIC, UNESCO or the Controlled Vocabulary of IRESIE. Keywords should preferably be words other than those in the article title.

2.7. The text of the manuscript is written in Times New Roman font 12, single-spaced. Paragraph format with special indent first line of 1.25 cm. Use a previous space of 0 points and later 6 points. No additional space is required after each paragraph.

2.8. The length should be between 14 and 18 pages, including figures, which should be located in the place of the text where they should be published. The necessary mathematical symbology should be written with Word's equation editor. It is important not to change the character set, especially to avoid the use of the "Symbol" type or similar.

2.9. The structure of the research article should be as follows: Introduction (What was studied?), Research Method or Procedure (How was it studied?), Results (What were the findings?), Discussion (What do the results mean?), Conclusions (What is the contribution of your study, according to the proposed question or objective?), and References.

2.10. The body of the article must contain all the information necessary for its comprehension. Only if strictly necessary annexes will be included, this will be located after the bibliographical references.

2.11. If necessary, footnotes will be inserted in numeral and consecutively form, with Arabic numerals flown. When they match a punctuation mark they will go in front of it. The text of the footnote should be written in Times New Roman, size 10, single spacing, justified. It is appreciated to minimize its use.

2.12. To highlight words or phrases in the text, use italics only.

2.13. Illustrations, graphs and tables should be located in the place of the text where they should be published. If possible, the “caption” will be written inside a Word “text box” (without borders) that will be “grouped” with the reference image. They should be numbered using: Figure 1, Table 2, Graph 3, written in Times New Roman 12, in italics with a 6-point spacing before and after.

2.14. All the elements within the table will be in Times New Roman 10, aligning to the left the values of the variables by row and centering the values of the variables by column. The values taken by the variables will be centered. The edges will be 1-point size. The line spacing in the table is simple, with no spaces before or after. Tables must be written in the text, they cannot be images.

2.15. The quality of the images included in the article must be taken care of, it must be in JPG format and its size must not be larger than 12 x 17 cm. The images are not sent separately, only in the text of the article.

2.16. For the mathematical expressions the equation editor must be used and they will be identified with the numbers in parentheses and aligned to the right margin.

2.17. The author must take into account the international nature of the journal and provide the necessary information for readers in other countries to understand local aspects of their research. For example, if you talk about the education system of your country, you must indicate the levels that make it up and the normal age of the students of the degree or level where the research is carried out, which will allow comparison with other education systems.

2.18. All sources cited or mentioned in the body of the article must be clearly identified following the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition. The self-citation rate must be less than 10% of the total references.

2.19. If necessary, an Acknowledgments section can be included. It is an optional section and mentions the people, institutions or entities that supported the research. In case of receiving financial support to carry out the investigation, it is mandatory to indicate it in this section.

2.20. Bibliographic references that appear in the body of the manuscript will be sorted at the end of the work in alphabetical order. The font must be Times New Roman 12, with justified alignment, French indentation 1 cm, with a previous space of 0 points and a subsequent 3 points space. APA (7th edition) style specifications must be used. In the case of electronic references, it is important that links are active. Some examples are the following:

  • Journal article whithout DOI: Uzcátegui Pacheco, R. A., & Castro Castro, L. (2022). Narrativa visual sobre “América” en las unidades temáticas sobre independencia nacional en textos escolares de educación media venezolanos y chilenos. Areté, Revista Digital Del Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad Central de Venezuela7(14), 171 – 195.
  • Journal article with DOI: López Mendoza, M., Moreno Moreno, E., Uyaguari Flores, J. F., & Barrera Mendoza, M. P. (2022). El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en el aula: testimonios de docentes ecuatorianos de excelencia. Areté, Revista Digital Del Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, 8(15), 161 – 180.
  • Article in a scientific journal: Salcedo, A; Molina-Portillo, E.; Ramírez, T. y Contreras. J. M. (2018). Conflictos semióticos sobre estadística en libros de texto de matemáticas de Primaria y Bachillerato. Revista de Pedagogía. Vol. 39 N° 104, 223-244.
  • Book: Biggs, J. B. (1999). Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Book Chapter: Ben-Zvi, D. and Garfield, J. (2004). Statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking: Goals, definitions, and challenges. In D. Ben-Zvi and J. Garfield (Eds.), The challenge of developing statistical literacy, reasoning, and thinking, pp. 3 - 15. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
  • Doctoral dissertation: Gómez, E. (2014). Evaluación y desarrollo del conocimiento matemático para enseñar la probabilidad en futuros profesores de educación primaria. [Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Granada].
  • Internet Document: Ramírez, T., Salcedo, A., & Faúndez, F. (2021). Cuando la pandemia no es suficiente para explicar el abandono estudiantil a nivel universitario. El caso de Venezuela. Congresos CLABES.

2.21. Manuscripts must have at least 20 references of articles published in recognized and indexed research journals. Sixty percent of the sources included in the reference list must belong to mainstream journals (Scielo, Scopus or Web of Science). Authors are encouraged to use both Spanish and English publications.

2.22. At the end of the article a mini curriculum of the author (s) must be included. It is suggested to include a degree or academic title, institution or institutions to which it belongs, place of residence, title of recent publications. The mini curriculum should not exceed 100 words, it is appreciated not to surpass this number of words.

3. Sending the manuscript.

3.1. All authors must register with the OJS de Areté (

3.2. The article must be sent through the journal platform in the SaberUCV Repository

3.3. Two versions of the article must be submitted, one fully identified and one without any identification (blind version).

3.4. Next to the article, in a separate file, a letter signed by the author (s) must be sent stated:

  • The originality of the manuscript, which is not subject to evaluation in another journal and will not be proposed to another journal for the duration of the evaluation in Areté.
  • The transfer of rights so that Areté is the one who publishes it for the first time.
  • Responsibility for the content of the manuscript and certification that is entirely intellectual production, as well as that the data and texts taken from published documents of other authors are duly referenced in citations and indicated in the references at the end of the document.
  • The commitment to modify the article when the Editorial Committee indicates observations of substance and form.

3.5. By submitting the manuscripts, the author (s) agree to respect and follow the guidelines and editorial policy of Areté.

4. Evaluation of the manuscript

The manuscripts received will undergo an anonymous evaluation process divided into four phases. This process takes, on average, between two and three months, depending on the number of manuscripts received and the speed of the evaluators in issuing their responses.

4.1. Phase 1. It begins upon receipt of the manuscript and its purpose is to verify compliance with all the formal requirements indicated above. If all formal aspects are met, a mail is sent to the author (s) acknowledging receipt. Otherwise, communication is sent, via e-mail, to the authors where they are told what aspect to modify and that the evaluation process will start when they send the new version.

4.2. Phase 2. The manuscript is reviewed by the editor with a plagiarism detection software. If the program shows that it has a high percentage of similarity (more than 30%) with other published articles (even by the same author), the manuscript will be rejected and returned to its authors.

4.3. Phase 3. It is carried out by the Editorial Committee to verify that the article fits the profile of the journal. This evaluation considers whether the manuscript meets the basic requirements of the academic genre and thematic field of the journal. If the answer is positive, the article moves on to the next stage of evaluation. The author will receive an email indicating that the manuscript passed to the evaluation process of the arbitrators. Otherwise, communication will be sent to the author indicating why it does not go to the next phase.

4.4. Phase 4. The article is sent to three evaluators, preserving the anonymity of the author and the evaluators (double-blind system). The evaluators will be external to the Editorial Committee and from an institution other than the author's assignment. At least one of the evaluators will be from a different country than the author.

4.5. Based on the opinion of the evaluators, the Editorial Committee will decide if the article is: (a) publishable without modifications, (b) publishable with minor modifications, therefore it does not require further revision. (c) publishable with major modifications, consequently, the new version sent by the author will be subject to a new revision. (d) unpublishable. The decision of the Editorial Committee will be sent, via email, to the author (s).

4.6. In cases (b) and (c) of the previous point, the author will receive a communication with all the comments of the evaluators. If the decision on the article is publishable with minor modifications, the author (s) must send the new version in a maximum of 20 days. In the case of recommending major modifications, the new version of the article must be sent to Areté within a maximum period of 60 days. In either of these situations, the author (s) must indicate to Areté if they are interested in sending a new version of their article within a maximum period of five days after the decision on the article is sent.

4.7. After approval by the Editorial Committee, the article will be published in a maximum time of 6 months.

4.8. The Editorial Committee's final opinion on the article is unappealable.

4.9. After consulting the author (s), the Editorial Board may introduce the modifications of form, extension and style that it considers necessary.

5. To facilitate the identification of articles, Areté will use the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Authors must cover the DOI costs. 

6. If necessary, Areté may request collaboration from the authors of approved articles to cover marking or indexing costs. This collaboration is not a charge for publishing or article processing.

7. Those who publish in Areté may not submit for consideration of this publication other works for a period of not less than one (1) year.

8. What is not provided for in these rules will be resolved by the Editorial Board.

Artículos de Investigación


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.