Specialized knowledge manifested by a mathematics teacher´s in the teaching of standard deviation
Mathematics teacher's specialized knowledge, standard deviation, statistics, instrumental case studyAbstract
The main objective of this research is to characterize the knowledge of a secondary school mathematics teacher in teaching standard deviation, based on the analytical theoretical model of the Specialized Knowledge of Mathematics Teachers (MTSK). To do so, we position ourselves from an interpretive paradigm, under a single case and instrumental design. Knowledge has been categorized from the transcriptions of the recordings of five classes and an in-depth interview, identifying evidence and clues of knowledge in the different subdomains of knowledge (KoT, KSM, KPM, KMT and KFLM). Some relevant strategies in teaching standard deviation are evident, which account for a conceptual understanding, over a procedural one. The work concludes with the characterization of knowledge, both in the mathematical domain, as well as in the mathematical didactics of teaching about standard deviation, revealing a nuance in the MTSK model for teaching statistics, considering the contributions of statistical thinking in teaching, as well as deepening the knowledge relationships of the mathematics teacher in a school context.
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