Word reading and spelling in middle school children of low socioeconomic status: an exploratory study
teenagers, poverty, reading, spellingAbstract
In recent decades, the educational system of Argentina has gone through an important process of educational inclusion. However, concern about the quality of education has been occupying an increasingly predominant place: performance around language, specifically in reading comprehension and textual production skills, is alarming even in middle school subjects. In this regard, some studies carried out with middle school students suggest that there would be a significant percentage of subjects whose difficulty in processing texts lies in basic problem literacy skills (reading and/or spelling words). For that reason, this paper aims to explore reading and spelling skills of teenagers of low social economic level from public schools of Buenos Aires, Argentina. For this, reading and spelling of differ types of words were measure in 85 subjects aged 13 to 15. Results showed very low performance in orthographically complex words spelling and in children reading rate. No correlations were observed between educational level of subjects and their performance. These results are discussed based on the low educational proposals quality that subjects from this type of population have access to, which generates a high level of intragroup variability in literacy skills.
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