Sequência Didática Investigativa sobre Agrotóxicos para promover Educação Ambiental no ensino de Funções Orgânicas
Pesticides, Environmental education, chemistry teaching, following teachingAbstract
Chemicals to control pests and diseases have been used in agribusiness to increase productivity, however, their disordered use can harm the environment. Thus, this study aimed to describe the possible contributions of using an Investigative Didactic Sequence (SDI) on Pesticides to promote Environmental Education (EE) to students in the 3rd year of High School (EM) at a public school in Barra do Garças-MT, when studying Organic Functions. A descriptive research of an applied nature was used, designed with a focus on investigative teaching about pesticides and their relationship with AE during studies of Organic Functions. A bibliographical survey of articles and books was carried out to support the organization of SDI, consisting of eight actions: survey of students' prior knowledge; theoretical approach to the subject; reading the textbook; lectures with experts; study of pesticide labels; characteristics of organic functions contained in pesticides; creation of memes involving chemical concepts and environmental issues; and systematization and assessment of learning. It is concluded that, by articulating contextualized and problematizing investigative activities, the SDI on pesticides favored the educational process and contributed to the full formation of citizens active in society and responsible for their actions.
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