Challenges of AI systems and applications for education and citizenship formation


  • Luz Marina Barreto Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela


Artificial Intelligence, University, Education, Citizenship


This paper addresses the challenges posed to our concepts of knowledge, reality and truth (and by extension to the places traditionally endowed with the task of defining them, i.e., modern universities) by the new systems of generative artificial intelligence. It conveys the idea that information cannot be understood as knowledge without emptying the latter from its genuine philosophical meaning as a conceptualization of reality that carries true meaning. As a result of the confusion between information and true knowledge, systems that can successfully manage semantic meaning, as all digital and machine learning systems have spectacularly learned to do in the last decades, will nevertheless fail in their capacity to bring about rational consensuses among persons. This happens because our capacity to model reality solely with logic and mathematical functions is limited and therefore my paper stresses the role a well-funded and unabashed university has to play in understanding and regulating all systems of artificial intelligence.


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Author Biography

Luz Marina Barreto, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

Profesora Titular y Jefa del Departamento de Filosofía Teorética de la Escuela de Filosofía de la UCV. Doctora en Filosofía de la Universidad Libre de Berlín, Magister Scientiarum en Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Diplomada en Teología de la UCAB y Licenciada en Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Directora del Instituto de Filología “Andrés Bello” de la Universidad Central de Venezuela y Directora del Doctorado de Filosofía de la misma universidad.


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How to Cite

Barreto, L. M. (2024). Challenges of AI systems and applications for education and citizenship formation. Areté, Doctorate in Education Digital Journal, 10(ee), 213–226. Retrieved from