Structural model of the intercultural sensitivity scale in higher education teachers
Intercultural sensitivity, Sonora State University, Socio-emotional competencies, University students, Sociocultural differencesAbstract
Multiculturalism coexists on university campuses with the presence of students who face various obstacles in adapting to a new context; this situation requires teachers with intercultural sensitivity and it becomes important to validate instruments that allow for the reliable and valid measurement of teachers' intercultural sensitivity. The aim of this study is to validate the Intercultural Teaching Sensitivity (SID) scale in university professors in northwest Mexico. University professors participated voluntarily and 357 answered the SID scale through Google forms. The confirmatory factor analysis verified the structure of the scale composed of items grouped into three factors (Intercultural communication, inclusion and appreciation of diversity), the reliability calculation yielded an α =.96. The present study corroborates the validity of the SID applied to university professors in the Mexican context, allowing it to be replicated in different populations to analyze the perception of Intercultural Sensitivity. The SID has validity and reliability, which allows it to be used for educational, training and guidance purposes in contexts where sociocultural differences coexist, which are attended to by educational institutions in different countries, with the aim of promoting educational inclusion.
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