“I discover and self-regulate my knowledge" program to improve digital competencies
Discovery learning, Digital competences, Attitudinal and affective components, Self-efficacyAbstract
Using the benefits of discovery learning to improve digital skills encourages students to explore their creativity, acquire and apply knowledge autonomously to solve problems. The objective was to determine the influence of the “I discover and self-regulate my knowledge” program for the improvement of digital skills in primary level students of an educational institution in Lima, in the year 2023. It was applied, at an explanatory level, with a quantitative approach, quasi-experimental, the hypothetical-deductive method was used. The population was 200 primary school students divided into two groups. An adaptation of the questionnaire created by Pino (2022) was carried out, subjecting it to construct validity (KMO and Bartlett Test = 0.905), incorporating attitudinal and affective components to measure digital competencies. The results obtained in the general hypothesis test (Sig=0.00 < 0.05) and in the specific ones (sig=0.00 < 0.05) confirmed the assumptions of the study. It is concluded that there is a need to carry out motivating and transversal educational experiences to strengthen experimental learning in relevance to reality, with the intervention carried out being an educational paradigm to capture the benefits of the affective component in self-efficacy, empathy and interpersonal skills in the affective climate. from the classroom.
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