Ethnography and phenomenology: a view from reading Le Petit Prince
Qualitative methods, Ethnography and phenomenology, Research paradigms, Educational context, Le Petit PrinceAbstract
The understanding that a researcher has of the world is influenced by their perception of reality and their perspective on how to achieve that understanding. Therefore, to acquire knowledge, they will choose methods either from the qualitative or quantitative paradigm. This article examines ethnography and phenomenology as qualitative methods, delving into their ontology and epistemology. The analysis is carried out for didactic purposes based on the experiences of the celebrated character from the novel "Le Petit Prince" by French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a novel published in 1943 and considered a classic in children's and youth literature. This work is chosen for its philosophical nature, exploring social dynamics from a subjective standpoint, particularly through the interpretation of the Little Prince. In this context, qualitative methods are precisely focused on comprehending social phenomena from a subjective sphere. The ethnographic and phenomenological methods are employed to analyze each approach. Through the conducted analyses, there is a reflection on the use of ethnography and phenomenology in the classroom context.
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