Implications of early mortality and preventable morbidities for school health education
Health education, Health promotion, Continuing education, Public health, School healthAbstract
Schooling has been proved to be a health-protective factor. Thus, it appears that what is taught and acquired in school leads to people being healthy. This study, written as an exploratory academic essay using a qualitative method, investigates the positive aspects of school education in health in health to combat preventable morbidities and early mortality and the holes that remain to be filled. As a consequence of the research conducted for this project, we present an outline of guiding domains capable of supporting program material in elementary school health education. We emphasize social disparities in the distribution of health issues in society, with literature searches revealing a strong and unmistakable link between greater levels of education and beneficial socioeconomic ramifications and protection against health adversities. In all age groups, the epidemiological evidence appears to be solid that males are more likely than women to die prematurely as a result of health neglect. There are several perspectives on how to modify the conditions of unequal distribution of health issues; nevertheless, experts appear to agree on the potential role of education for people's health, which begins early in the school environment.
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