Impact of the emigration of Venezuelan early school teachers on school management
Case: private institutions of the Baruta municipality
migrant teachers, educational management, motivation, preschool educationAbstract
Venezuela, since the beginning of the 21st century, has experienced changes that have led a part of the population to emigrate, including teachers. This represents an obstacle for schools in the proper implementation of school management processes, which are essential to promote educational quality. In this sense, the purpose of the research was to analyze the impact of the emigration of initial education teachers on the school management of private educational institutions of the Baruta Municipality, taking into consideration theories such as Maslow's motivation and hygiene-motivation. from Herzberg. For this, a descriptive, non-experimental investigation was carried out, with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of fifteen (15) managers, belonging to the Municipality, using the survey as a data collection technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. The findings indicated that the economic cause is one of the main reasons why teachers emigrate, which causes resignation from their positions. This leads to a restructuring of the internal order of the institutions, making it evident that the emigration of initial education teachers directly affects them, generating a significant impact on school management.
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