Potentiate democratics values in the statistic’s class
democratic values, critical mathematics education, critical statistical education, data interpretation, teacher trainingAbstract
The article reports the results of an inquiry based on the design and management of activities for a higher education classroom, with the intention of making reality the Colombian curricular references in relation to the formation of democratic citizens from the Statistics classes in Basic and Secondary Education. The proposal is carried out, through a process of exemplification, reflection, and action, aimed at future mathematical educators, students of the Bachelor of Mathematics who study the subject Teaching and Learning Statistics at the National Pedagogical University, Colombia. It is intended that, through the teaching practice, once aware of the challenge as future teachers, participants contribute to the formation of democratic values in the students in charge. From a qualitative inquiry, it is evidenced through the interventions of the participants and the designs of their class planning, that future educators manage to appropriate the importance and need to develop the value of Justice from the Statistics class, identifying in this process the role of such a discipline in the formation of critical citizens. The results show that from a critical statistical education it is possible to enhance the value of justice and the appropriation of statistical knowledge associated with the interpretation and analysis of graphs and statistical tables; and that it is feasible to promote, in future teachers, a conscious reflection on the role of statistics in solving real problems as a strategy to procure statistically educated citizens. To achieve this reflection, it is necessary to adjust the sequence of the curriculum to have more time than the traditional one, thus achieve greater impact on the process of democratic formation and this is carried out in its entirety.
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