Humanism, Formation and Recognition of Human Diversity
Humanism, diversity, formation, humanity, recognitionAbstract
This text is part of the results of the research "practices of and non-recognition of diversity in teachers in central-western Colombia (2021-2022)", developed by the research group Knowledge in Diversity and Culture in Latin America of the University of Manizales; a systematic textual review of the conception of humanism in its relation to the recognition of diversity has been carried out, guided by the contemporary discussion on critical humanism linked to great promises of humanity to be fulfilled among diverse human beings, subjects and social actors who, in dignity and right, require their place in the world. The most recent promise of humanity is the recognition of human and non-human diversities, social inclusion, in the face of which our freedoms, demands for equality, difference, justice, will have to be understood among subjects, human groups, communities, peoples, nations. Our humanity is a difficult construction, historical-existential between-us, not so much a dogma, a doctrine, beyond the structural violence of our civilization, close to what has been called the humanism of the other man, a self-correction that humanism makes in the conscience of its own inhumanity.
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