Education for coexistence: humanities and experiences
Philosophy of education, sociology of education, education theory, educational interaction process, educational modelAbstract
Venezuelan education, although rightly oriented to work, was not inclined to moral reflection. The valuation, indisputably human power, was delegated to the Catholic Church which played a fundamental role in the generation, maintenance and development of educational institutions. Coexistence accentuates the relational and narrative character of human existence over what is exclusively substantial. Life is, life with others and, precisely for this reason, education must be directed towards recognition and understanding as pillars. The objective of the following article is to explore the importance of the humanities in Venezuelan education as an ideal space for the promotion of coexistence through a documentary methodology and from a philosophical-sociological perspective. It begins with a first reading of coexistence oriented towards objectivity. It refers to the epistemological character of education and its orientation to work. Next, coexistence is proposed in relation to otherness, neighbor and community interaction. Coexistence is approached as an ethical and undoubtedly interactive issue. Finally, the humanities are proposed as an ideal space for coexistence based on dialogue and interaction in the diversity that it implies.
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