Fundaments in the generation of theories
epistemology, theorize, comprehension, explication, experience, reflexivityAbstract
Theorizing is a relevant activity in the training of researchers, whose intentionality is aimed at understanding or explaining a phenomenon of reality. Even, through it, an answer can be given to a knowledge gap, which arises in the cognizing subject with respect to the cognizable object. The purpose of this intellectual act has been to deepen the process of generation or construction of theories, based on conceptual referents, confrontation of thoughts, the expertise in the tutorial work of the authors, through research with the application of epistemological approaches, which have been consolidated through a process of constant reflexivity. From the methodological point of view, it is based on documentary research and reflective acts from the knowledge provided by the authors' tutorial activity, in the constructive process or generation of theories, as an approximate perspective. As provisional premises, new orientations, different proposals in relation to theorization are proposed.
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