Criteria for the selection of surgical treatment in the thyroid cancer


  • Juan Valls
  • Aníbal Blanco
  • Salvador Tabacco
  • Francisco Tabacco
  • Oriana Cabrera
  • Yeri De Jesus
  • Yernilex Yareth


Thyroid Diseases, surgery, thyroidectomy.


Objective: to evaluate the procedure for the surgical management of the thyroid cancer and the criteria for the selection Patients and method: eighteen patients with cancer of thyroid programmed to surgical procedures. Results: the 83, 3% of the series was 45 years or more. No exist T1. Twelve patients were intermediate risk. Radiologic studies and the fine needle aspiration were the methods of evaluation preoperative. Total thyroidectomy was the most common surgery and the histology more frequent was papilar carcinoma. The neoplasies of 4cms or more, the frozen section and the findings in the operating room were be used to adapt the surgical plan in the 66,6% of the serie. Neck dissection was indicated in the clinics lymph nodes. Conclusions: the surgical extension depends of the tumoral size, the presence of cervical metastasis, the infiltration of adjacent structures and frozen sections. The thyroidectomy total with or without lymphadenectomy were the procedures more frequent, other intervention of salvage and palliative intention represents surgical options. The sanitary crisis determinates some problems in the therapeutic process


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How to Cite

Valls, J., Blanco, A., Tabacco, S., Tabacco, F., Cabrera, O., De Jesus, Y., & Yareth, Y. (2021). Criteria for the selection of surgical treatment in the thyroid cancer. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 11(1), e337. Retrieved from