Cushing Syndrome due to topical corticosteroid misuse


  • Jenny Planchet
  • Ana Cappellin
  • María Castillo
  • Isabel Marín


Cushing syndrome, topical corticosteroid, diaper dermatitis, adrenal insufficiency.


Topical corticosteroids are very common drugs used in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases. Prolonged or misuse of them may cause systemic adverse effects, including Cushing syndrome and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression. We present a case of a seven months old male infant who developed iatrogenic Cushing syndrome after diaper dermatitis treatment through misuse of Clobetasol, without doctor’s prescription. We observe redness and a moon face, a buffalo hump, central obesity and hirsutism. Laboratory values revealed hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, elevation in liver enzymes and low early morning cortisol. To conclude, parents must be informed by physicians about the adverse effect of steroids and the should be avoided in very young infant.


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How to Cite

Planchet, J., Cappellin, A., Castillo, M., & Marín, I. (2021). Cushing Syndrome due to topical corticosteroid misuse. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 10(3), e322. Retrieved from

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