Modern urban trauma in Caracas


  • Juan Carlos Valls Puig


Modern urban warfare, Caracas, severe injuries.


The experience in many combats in densely populated urban areas, determined the new concept of “Modern urban warfare” in the beginning of the new millennium. This definition is a warfare violent, close-quarter, with destructive injuries and the delayed of evacuation. New innovations were incorporate. The revolt in the “La Planta” prison, the increase of grenades explosions and engagement between criminal organized, in many zones of Caracas, illustrated this new definition. The venezuelans surgeons attended many severe and multiple injuries. The surgical personal need understand this new kind of injuries. The new disease Covid 19 represents a challenge in the attention of these patients.


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How to Cite

Valls Puig, J. C. (2020). Modern urban trauma in Caracas. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 10(1), e255. Retrieved from

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