Bibliometric analysis of scientific production in the Scopus database of a Peruvian private university
Bibliometrics, scientific production, Scopus, scientific research, universityAbstract
The objective of this research was to analyze the scientific production in the Scopus database of a Peruvian private university. The research was bibliometric and retrospective, where the scientific production of the Universidad Andina del Cusco (UAC) was described through the analysis of the documents published and registered in Scopus. According to the results, 56 documents indexed in Scopus were located, being the authors with the most publications Núñez-Del Prado, M. (56 documents and an H-Index of 8) and Ojeda, Eliana (25 documents and an H-Index of 15). Regarding the characteristics of the documents, it was found that most of the journals where they were published were foreign, original articles predominated and in English, there was a greater participation of researchers with affiliation to the UAC as co-authors and in the majority of research works did not declare receiving funding. On the other hand, it was found that more documents were published in the area of Medicine and Computer Science. Finally, it was concluded that in recent years the scientific production of the UAC in Scopus has increased significantly, however, compared to the most competitive Peruvian universities, it is still limited and insufficient, so it is necessary to foster institutional policies that promote the publication of research carried out by the university community (teachers, students and researchers) in high-impact scientific journals, preferably indexed in Scopus.
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