Control del puerperio en mujeres peruanas de zona urbana y rural: análisis secundario de una encuesta nacional



Periodo Posparto, Atención Posnatal, Personal de Salud, Área Urbana, Área Rural, Postpartum Period, Postnatal Care, Health Personnel, Urban Area, Rural Area


To compare the characteristics of postpartum control from Peruvian women in urban and rural areas. Methods: A cross-sectional study, carried out from the 2020 Demographic and Family Health Survey, analyzed 9017 records of women of reproductive age. Weighted and unweighted counts were estimated; and the chi square test was used at a 95% confidence level. Results: 97.1% of the women had postpartum control. In urban and rural areas, the prevalence of this service was 98.7% and 91.1%, respectively. 78.9% of women in urban areas had their first check-up within 4 hours after giving birth, 45.2% were seen by a doctor, and 58.2% received care in health facilities of the Ministry of Health. In rural areas, 35.1% received care from a professional Obstetrician, 12.3% had control between the first 4 and 23 hours of delivery, and 8.2% received this care at home or in the house of the midwife. Conclusions: In rural areas, compared to urban areas, postpartum control is less prevalent. The provision of this service in the shortest possible time, by health professionals and in health facilities, is significantly higher in urban areas.


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How to Cite

Liñan-Bermudez, A., Leon Pastuso, P., Chafloque Chavesta, J. J., & Barja-Ore, J. (2022). Control del puerperio en mujeres peruanas de zona urbana y rural: análisis secundario de una encuesta nacional. Revista De Obstetricia Y Ginecología De Venezuela, 82(2), 206–212. Retrieved from



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