Effect of modified jejunoileal bypass surgery on the colon microflora: A case study



Introduction & Background: Surgery to prevent weight gain and disease is called bariatric surgery. Weight loss surgery (WLS), mainly because of the failure of non–surgical weight loss methods, is on the growth. This study aims to analyze the impact of modified jejunoileal bypass surgery on the microflora of the colon. Methods: Laboratory tests like liver function tests, blood lipids, coagulation tests, blood sugar, renal function test, CBC, Na+, and K+ were requested for all participants of this study before the operation. Fecal samples of all cases were gathered in anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. Recognition of isolated bacteria was conducted utilizing microscopical examination of stained smear, biochemical tests, and colon characteristics on different specific and selective media and specific identification tests. Results: Patients’ ages ranged from 17 to 47. Their mean age was 27.9±8.5 years, seven patients (19.4%) were male, and 29 (80.6%) were female. There was no significant difference between the count of anaerobic bacteria before and after the operation (p=0.414) except for lactobacillus (p=0.0001) and Bifidobacterium (p=0.0001). A significant difference was observed between the count of aerobic bacteria before and after the operation (p=0.005), especially for E. coli (p=0.001), klebsiella, (p=0.0001), Enterobacter (p=0.003) and proteus (p=0.0001). Conclusion: The result demonstrates that lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium were the only bacteria that reduced in number while the remaining isolated bacteria showed no significant difference in number before and after operation regarding aerobic bacteria significant difference was observed between before and post-operation counts, predominantly for E. coli, klebsiella, Enterobacter, and proteus.


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