Contractura de Dupuytren: nuevos aspectos en el manejo terapéutico
Dupuytren’s contracture (DC) is a fibroproliferative disease of the palmar fascia that results in the thickening and shortening of the normal fibrous bands of the hands and the fingers, producing deformity and dysfunction of the affected hand. Despite being benign, the disease is progressive and may be incapacitating in many aspects. The cause of DC remains a mystery, initially Dupuytren suggested that it may be due to local trauma, and to date some research has confirmed this hypothesis while other appears to deny it. Given the uncertainty in the origin of this disease, it is difficult to find therapeutic targets. Although for a long time surgical options have been the most viable, at present, novel less invasive alternatives are also being considered. The objective of this review is to assess the therapeutic aspects developed for the management of DC and how they compare to the more traditional methods.
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