Intracranial hemorrhages in pediatric age group in Babylon province
Intracranial hemorrhages, Pediatric age group, Babylon provinceAbstract
Introduction: intracranial bleeding is abnormal accumulation of blood inside the vault of cranium it may occur inside the brain parenchyma as intracerebral bleeding or covering the meningeal space. The aim of study to shed a light on the most common cause of mortality among pediatric patients with intracranial hemorrhage.
Method: a cross-sectional study on 45 patients with intracranial hemorrhages age (1day - 1years) admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Babylon maternity and pediatric teaching hospital in a Babylon province during the period between (1st May 2018 - 1st May 2019), consisting of (29 male) and (16 female).
Results: regarding the types of intracranial hemorrhages and their percentages we found only one patient with EDH (2.22%) from the total number of patients (45), SDH only (14) patients about (31.11%), SAH (4) patients (8.88%), ICH intracerebral hemorrhage (3) patients (6.66), IVH (4) patients (8.88), we have also three patients with mixed SDH and SAH representing (6.66%), SAH with IVH only in two patients (4.44%), SDH with IVH in three patients (6.66%), SDH with ICH in four patients (8.88%), ICH with SAH in only two patients (4.44%), and lastly ICH with IVH in five patients (11.11%). so from previous descriptions of the types of ICH percentages we found that SDH a count for about (31.11%) of the hemorrhages. Regarding the total serum bilirubin TSB found that it increased more than 15 mg/dL in 50% of dead patients and prolong PTT, PT compromise (72.22%) of mortality.
Conclusion: the prolongation in bleeding profile PT, PTT, birth trauma, and elevated TSB and associated congenital anomalies like CHD, Ddown syndrome are associated with increased risk of mortality in pediatric patients with intracranial hemorrhage.