Endoscopic surgical interventions in the treatment of periampullary cancer


  • Alexander A. Karpachev
  • Alexander V. Soloshenko
  • Vladimir F. Kulikovsky
  • Andrei L. Iarosh
  • Victor K. Gostishev
  • Sergey P. Frantsev
  • Natalya V. Oleynik
  • Anjela V. Gnashko
  • Edrees Alkanany


endoscopy interventions, periampullary carcinoma, obstructive jaundice.


In this paper retrospective treatment result analysisof 386 patients with periampullary cancer, complicationsare carried out by obstructive jaundice. Patientswere organized into two groups: the first group patients towhom traditional surgical interventions were applied, andentered the second – treated with endoscopic transpapillarysurgeries. Cancer of a pancreas head is revealed in177 patients, cancer of a big duodenal nipple in 145 patientsand cancer of the terminal department of the generalbilious channel in 64 patients. The duration of biliouschannels obstruction was from 3 to 45 days. The presenceof obstructive jaundice at this category of patients wasconsidered the indication to performance of endoscopictranspapillary decompressive interventions. We haveshown that at the nonresectable cancer of bodies of apancreatoduodenal zone complicated by obstructive jaundice,endoscopic transpapillary interventions are the mainmethod of decompression of a biliary tree, thus allowingcomplete avoidance of traditional surgical interventions.


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