A Comparative Study of Ketofol and Thiopental Sodium in Patients undergoing Dilation and Curettage by General Anesthesia


  • Mahzad Yousefian
  • Shahla Farzipour
  • Vadood Noroozi
  • Tayebe Salmanfar


General anesthesia, Ketofol, Thiopental sodium, Dilatation, Curettage


Considering that the combined drug, Ketofolhas been used and its efficacy observedin patients, we have aimed to compare theeffects of ketofol and thiopental sodium on patients whoare undergoing dilatation and curettage. This study wasconducted as a randomized controlled clinical trial. In thisstudy, 150 patients undergoing dilatation and curettageafter classification were randomly selected and enrolled.The first group received ketofol, while thiopental sodiumwas administered to the second group. Any change in hemodynamicsor respiratory distress, including the occurrenceof apnea or hypotension, desaturation and the needfor respiratory support were recorded in both groups. Finally,after the completion of the surgery and transfer tothe recovery room, the recovery rate of each group wasrecorded, and once they were conscious and alert, werequestioned about their satisfaction. All of the patient informationwas entered into the SPSS v18 software, andthe data were analyzed. This study was conducted on 150patients undergoing curettage; the mean ages in the firstand second groups were 31.82 ± 9.18 and 33.64 ± 11.39years, respectively. Ninety two percent of patients in theketofol group and 100% of the patients in the thiopentalsodium group experienced apnea and needed respiratorysupport. About 25.3% of patients in the ketofol groupand 44% of patients in the thiopental group required are-dose of the drug for the anesthetic process. The durationof recovery in the ketofol group was lower than theother group. About 2.7% of the patients in the ketofolgroup and 12% of the patients in the thiopental grouphad hallucinations and delusions at the end of the operationSix patients in the thiopental group also had hiccups.The results of the present study showed that ketofol is abetter drug than thiopental because of the duration of anesthesia,reducing the need for medication, the incidenceof apnea, and the complications of anesthesia


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