Exploring Stereotypes of old age: Perceptions among university psychology students in Colombia

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María Natividad Elvira-Zorzo
María Laura Vergara-Álvarez
Dorian López Bejarano
Jaqueline Vera Martínez
Claudia Liliana Betancur Quintero
Kelly Johana Márquez Toscano


Social perception of the elderly is often based on stereotypes that do not always reflect reality, significantly influencing attitudes and behaviors towards them, especially among those in caregiving roles. This study uses the Old Age Stereotype Instrument (CENVE) and attitude scales to examine stereotypes and attitudes toward old age among psychology students. A mixed sequential design was used, prioritizing quantitative and qualitative data collection. The results of the CENVE questionnaire show that negative stereotypes predominate in the dimensions of health (M=13.26) and character-personality (M=13.49), indicating a perception of physical and mental deterioration in older people. In contrast, the motivational-social dimension shows a lower mean (M=11.99), suggesting a lower perception of inability to work and loss of interest in old age.


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Cómo citar
Elvira-Zorzo, M. N. ., Vergara-Álvarez, M. L. ., López Bejarano, D. ., Vera Martínez, J. ., Betancur Quintero, C. L., & Márquez Toscano, K. J. . (2025). Exploring Stereotypes of old age: Perceptions among university psychology students in Colombia. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 133(1). Recuperado a partir de http://caelum.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_gmc/article/view/30355