Synergistic Effects of Averrhoa Bilimbi and Ocimum Basilicum Decoctions on Blood Glucose Control in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Parepare, Indonesia

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Ainun Djalila Nur Rahman
Andi Zulkifli
Ida Leida Maria
Ridwan Amiruddin
Sudirman Nasir
Sukri Palutturi


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder requiring pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. Averrhoa bilimbi L. (bilimbi) and Ocimum basilicum (lemon basil) leaves contain bioactive compounds with hypoglycemic properties. Although these plants are commonly used individually, no prior research has combined them for diabetes management. Objective: The study aimed to assess whether combining bilimbi and lemon basil leaf decoctions leads to a greater reduction in fasting blood glucose levels than using either herb alone in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


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Cómo citar
Nur Rahman, A. D. ., Zulkifli, A., Leida Maria, I. ., Amiruddin, R. ., Nasir, S. ., & Palutturi, S. . (2025). Synergistic Effects of Averrhoa Bilimbi and Ocimum Basilicum Decoctions on Blood Glucose Control in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Parepare, Indonesia. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 133(1). Recuperado a partir de

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