Forming Factors of Family Immunity in Healthy Status and Confirmed COVID-19 Families

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Nur Mukarromah
Achmad Zakaria


Background: Family COVID-19 immunity is an approach to responding to stressors and crises caused by COVID-19. This study aimed to analyze the factors that formed family immunity in healthy families with confirmed COVID-19. Methods: A case-control research design of two groups was carried out in August 2021 – March 2022 to analyze the factors forming family immunity in preventing COVID-19 infection, in Surabaya, Indonesia. One hundred four respondents were selected through convenience sampling. Data was collected using a family immunity questionnaire based on sub-variables 1) family belief system; 2) organizational patterns; 3) communication processes; and 4) controlling the spread of infectious disease. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square, and all statistical correlations were considered significant with p-value < 0.05.


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Cómo citar
Mukarromah, N. ., & Zakaria, A. . (2023). Forming Factors of Family Immunity in Healthy Status and Confirmed COVID-19 Families. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 131(4S). Recuperado a partir de