Cultural Care Analysis of Scabies Disease Based on the Sunrise Theory of the Leininger Model

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Nur Mukarromah
Achmad Zakaria
Daroini Daroini
Retno Sumara


Scabies are various kinds of skin diseases that often occur in society. Groups at risk of scabies are people who do activities together at the same time and place and pay less attention to personal and environmental hygiene. One of the risk groups is students in an internship, with the incidence of scabies in the last three years recorded at 91.1% of the 374 students who live in internship “X” Ponorogo Regency. This study aimed to analyze cultural care in scabies disease based on the theory of Sunrise Model Leininger.


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Cómo citar
Mukarromah, N., Zakaria, A., Daroini, D., & Sumara, R. (2022). Cultural Care Analysis of Scabies Disease Based on the Sunrise Theory of the Leininger Model. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 130(1 S), S177-S184. Recuperado a partir de