Risk factors for exposure to DENV 1-4 virus
DENV 1-4 virus, Risk factors, AedesAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the risk factors for exposure to the dengue virus in the Chacao Municipality between January and March 2024. Method: The population object of this investigation was made up of all the inhabitants of the Chacao municipality treated in the different outpatient clinics of Salud Chacao during the months of January-March of 2024. The present study is a field investigation, which was used as techniques processing structured interviews for data collection: registration, classification and tabulation of information applied to 50 patients from the municipality. Conclusions: It is necessary to affirm that the risk factors for contracting dengue are multifactorial and include aspects that range from intrinsic factors (age of the population, immune factors, etc.) to extrinsic factors (water stagnation, lack of hygiene, presence of breeding sites, little or no awareness campaigns, etc.). Dengue prevention and control requires a comprehensive approach that addresses breeding sites elimination, health promotion, and community engagement to reduce the incidence of this mosquito-borne disease.
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Gabriela Paz-Bailey, Laura E Adams, Jacqueline Deen, Kathryn B Anderson, Leah C Katzelnick su seminario ‘‘Dengue’’ publicado online en enero de 2024.
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