Two formulas for calculating BMI, and their relationship to other anthropometric indicators in adults


  • Gerardo Bauce


BMI Quetelet, BMI Oxford, Overweight, Obesity, Body Fast, Sensitivity.


Descriptive, prospective, transversal and correlational study, whose objective is to relate two formulas for calculating BMI, with other indicators, in a group of adults. METHODS: The sample is of 137 adult patients who attended consultation at the University Hospital of Caracas. The variables are: age, weight, size, BMI-Q, BMI-O, WC, WSI, WCWP and BFP. Averages, deviations, percentages and z-tests and Mann Whitney were obtained to compare averages and Median. RESULTS: Similar BMI-Q averages in both sexes, and older BMI-O in female sex. The two formulas for calculating BMI result in the highest percentage with BMI-O, higher overweight percentage with BMI-Q and significant (p<0.000) and percentages of Healthy Weight and Obesity equal. Equal averages, per group, of BFP for the two BMI formulas, and increase from Healthy Weight to Obesity. The Coefficient of Variation reveals more homogeneity in BMI-O (18.41% vs 25.21%). BMI-Q correlates with weight (0.91), WC (0.92) and WSI (0.93); IMC-O with weight (0.97), WC (0.83) and WCWI (0.90). Whitney's test reveals that averages by sex are significant (p<0,000), as are IPCC averages per sex (p<0.000). In addition, the BMI Oxford, WC, WSI and WCWI indicators have sensitivity of 92,3%, 92.3% and 92.3%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The BMI Oxford for its somewhat complicated calculation formula is not recommended to evaluate overweight and obesity, in adults.


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How to Cite

Bauce, G. (2021). Two formulas for calculating BMI, and their relationship to other anthropometric indicators in adults. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 11(1), e334. Retrieved from

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