Correlation of body mass index and percentage of body fat in the assessment of overweight and obesity


  • Gerardo Bauce


BMI, new BMI, Overweight, Obesity, Correlation.


Objective: to correlate body mass index (BMI) with percentage of body fat (%BF), in order to observe the differences in the incidence of overweight and obesity, according to criteria considered. Methods: descriptive, prospective, transversal, analytical and correlate study in patients who attended external consultation of a private medical center in Caracas, during the period September-November 2015, consisting of 633 patients, 178 (28.1%) male and 455 (71.9%) feminine 20 to 96 years old. Variables: Age, Weight, Size, and calculated BMI, new BMI, %BF by Duerenberg and by regression; are considered four age groups: < 60, 60-69, 70-79 and 80 years, and four geographic regions: Central-Western, Miranda, Maracaibo and East. Results: overweight percentages, for BMI-WHO and BMI-Oxford, non-significant, obesity percentages, significant (p<0.000); overweight and obese percentages for %BF non-significant (p>0.5); significant obesity percentages (p<0.000). The BMI-WHO and BMI-Oxford per region range from 24.5 to 28.7, and by age group range from 26.3 to 28.5; the %GC Duerenberg and %BF Regression range from 34.6 to 41; BMI-WHO correlates weight, BMI-Oxford and %BF Duerenberg (r x 0.81, r x 0.99 and r x 0.72; p < 0.000), BMI-Oxford %correlate %BF Duerenberg (r x 0.78; p < 0.000); %BF Regression correlates with BMI-OMS, BMI-Oxford, and %BF Duerenberg (r x 0.79, r x 0.86, and r x 0.89; p < 0.000). Conclusion: In view of these results, the two %BF formulas may be considered to estimate the percentage of body fat in groups of patients, regardless of age.


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How to Cite

Bauce, G. (2020). Correlation of body mass index and percentage of body fat in the assessment of overweight and obesity. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 10(1), e258. Retrieved from

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