Difficult airway approach in a patient with giant ameloblastoma in lower jaw


  • Alfredo Chirinos
  • José Vargas
  • Jimmy Briones
  • Patricia Cifuentes


Ameloblastoma, Difficult airway, Bronchofibroscope


Among the main manifestations of head tumors and specifically of the oral cavity are those of the odontogenic type, and of these the most frequent is the ameloblastoma, this can condition the presence of a difficult airway, where the anesthesiologist must be trained for all scenarios available for handling this. e objective of this paper is to present and discuss the clinical case of a patient diagnosed with giant ameloblastoma with difficult airway predictors. e case involves a 39-yearold male patient, who refers to the onset of current disease eight years ago, characterized by a tumor lesion at the lower jaw level 13 centimeters long and 16 centimeters wide, unilobed and hard consistency to the palpation. e preparation of the nostril was performed with the administration of oxymetazoline followed by 2 % lidocaine (3 push atomizer), by nasal catheter; a bilateral upper laryngeal nerve block was also performed, and atropine was given as an antisialogue. e bronchofibroscope was introduced. e approach of the difficult airway with a brocofibroscope in the patient studied was performed effectively, despite having the diagnosis of a giant ameloblastoma in the lower jaw, which conditioned the presence of difficult airway predictors. e patient studied presented a classification of Mallampati grade III. e predictable difficult airway approach with the use of brocofibroscope is effective in trained hands in patients diagnosed with giant ameloblastoma.


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How to Cite

Chirinos, A., Vargas, J., Briones, J., & Cifuentes, P. (2020). Difficult airway approach in a patient with giant ameloblastoma in lower jaw. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 9(3), e229. Retrieved from http://caelum.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_dp/article/view/19864