Comparative analysis of the standards of the council of international organizations of medical sciences (CIOMS) 2016. (Part 3 of 3)


  • Abel Saraiba
  • Daniel Sánchez
  • Soraya Santos
  • Marcos Alonso
  • María Colella
  • Juan Legón
  • Iselen Trujillo
  • Maritza Padrón-Nieves


human beings research, vulnerable groups, disaster research, damage compensation, conflict of interest, CIOMS Guidelines.


In this third work, the comparative analysis of the latest CIOMS 2016 guidelines, carried out by students of the VI Cohort of the Master in Bioethics, as part of the evaluation of the subject Bioethics and Research is presented. ese guidelines deal in a novel way with important issues such as research in vulnerable groups in situations of disaster and outbreaks of natural or man-made diseases and investigations with clusters, as well as compensation for damages, data management when the virtual environment and digital tools and the conflict of interest are used, which will provide researchers with a contribution in their training and a rapid adaptation to the new CIOMS proposal.


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How to Cite

Saraiba, A., Sánchez, D., Santos, S., Alonso, M., Colella, M., Legón, J., Trujillo, I., & Padrón-Nieves, M. (2020). Comparative analysis of the standards of the council of international organizations of medical sciences (CIOMS) 2016. (Part 3 of 3). Revista Digital De Postgrado, 9(3), e227. Retrieved from

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