Challenge of the first 1000 days of life


  • Mercedes López de Blanco Universidad Simón Bolívar. Fundación BENGOA. Caracas, Venezuela
  • Coromoto Macías de Tomei División de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Caracas, Venezuela
  • María José Castro Sociedad Venezolana de Puericultura y Pediatría. Junta Directiva. Caracas, Venezuela


Epigenetics, Food and Nutrition Transition, Double burden, Life course.


The first 1000 days of life is the new paradigm that determines health and nutrition during the life course, based on epidemiological models that incorporate the concept of Epigenetics, term introduced by Waddington, that refers to changes that affect the genetic expression without changing the DNA sequence, within the international program DOHaD/ODSE as well as the Food and Nutrition Transition(FNT). This FNT, product of an accelerated and anarchic urbanization that led to sedentary activities, plus the incorporation of women to the work media, with less time for cooking, with the substitution of the traditional diet for one much more practical and efficient in time and effort. It is accompanied by demographic and epidemiologic changes and transitions. The Double Burden of Nutrition in VENEZUELA has changed due to the effect of the recent crisis with a rise in malnutrition and a fall in obesity/overweight. The current project: Fundación Bengoa- Pediatric Society Venezuela (SVPP) – CANIA - Obstetric Society of Venezuela (SOGV) is called Developmental Origins of Health and Disease in Venezuela (DOHaD Venezuela): and by means of a national consensus of medical societies and institutions, its goal is “To elaborate a Preventive Agenda both for Malnutrition and for Overweight and Obesity and its comorbidities, considering the First 1000 Days of life and its effect over the life course”.


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How to Cite

López de Blanco, M., Macías de Tomei, C., & Castro, M. J. (2020). Challenge of the first 1000 days of life. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 9(2), e217. Retrieved from