Microorganisms that colonize the central venous catheters of patients hospitalized in the internal medicine service of the Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño hospital


  • Tellassim Isabel Martínez Tovar Hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño. Caracas, Venezuela
  • Emma Josette Gil Díaz Departamento de Matemática y Física. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Caracas, Venezuela
  • Yeisa Andreina Borges León Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Caracas, Venezuela


Infections, Microorganisms, Central Venous Catheter.


Introduction: intravascular catheterization is used for hemodynamic monitoring, hemodialysis, metabolic and nutritional support, fluid administration, chemotherapy and prolonged antibiotic therapy, blood and derivatives, among others. In this study, infections caused by the use of (CVC) central venous catheter are reported, as well as the microorganisms present in patients. Methods: The research was of a retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional type, with a non-experimental research design and aimed to know, in a direct way, the reality of the problem. The observation units were (188) clinical records of the patients admitted to the internal medicine service at the Miguel Pérez Carreño Hospital in the period between January and April 2017. Results: In 30 of the patients, the culture of the tip of the central venous catheter. In 67% there was no growth of microorganisms, while 33% grew microorganisms at 24 hours. 80% of the cultivated samples report the presence of Gram-positive cocci. 10% reported enterobacteria and 10% reported yeast, finally with less frequency pseudomonas with 0%. Conclusions: Only 78 patients required placement of a central venous catheter, of which 30 catheter tips were cultured, finding that only 10 of the catheter tips were positive for infection with bacterial growth at 24 hours, with Gram-positive cocci. the main bacteria isolated in patients with CVC followed by enterobacteria


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How to Cite

Martínez Tovar, T. I., Gil Díaz, E. J., & Borges León, Y. A. (2019). Microorganisms that colonize the central venous catheters of patients hospitalized in the internal medicine service of the Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño hospital. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 8(3), e167. Retrieved from http://caelum.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_dp/article/view/17075