Salutogenic way: healthy lifestyles


  • Elizabeth M Rivera de Ramones School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Central University of Venezuela


Health Promotion, Healthy Lifestyles, Food Habits.


Health is one of the most important components of the development process of a country because it implies, reaching the maximum possible development of the human being to transform and achieve their maximum well-being. The need to promote social policies and practices related to the Promotion of Health, healthy lifestyles, represents one of the strategies of intervention. One of its components are eating habits. Based on the postulates of the Ottawa Charter, health is a priority sector, based on a holistic perspective that projects as a strategy to change lifestyles, particularly those related to food habits. The means to achieve this. is the Salutogenic theory through the resources of general resistance from a focus, to focus and see the actions of people for a positive health. It is planned to consider the essential conceptual categories of Health Promotion, in relation to healthy lifestyles and eating habits.


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How to Cite

Rivera de Ramones, E. M. (2019). Salutogenic way: healthy lifestyles. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 8(1), e159. Retrieved from