Effect of casabe bread consumption on apparent absorption and retention of proteins in a rat experimental model


  • Ana Ávila Nutrition and Dietetics School. Central University of Venezuela.
  • Mirla Morón Nutrition and Dietetics School. Central University of Venezuela.
  • Pablo Hernandez Nutrition and Dietetics School. Central University of Venezuela.
  • Francisco Torrealba Medical School, Central University of Venezuela


Dietary Fiber, Cassava bread, Proteins, Intestinal Absorption, Nitrogen, Venezuela.


Introduction: the main product derived from cassava in Venezuela is cassava bread, valued for its caloric content and Dietary Fiber (DF). Objective: to determine the effect of the consumption of different varieties cassava bread on the absorption and retention of proteins in a rat experimental model. Methods: Twenty male adult rats, Sprague Dawley ® strain, were divided into four groups: a control without fiber and three experimental groups in which corn starch was substituted for a variety of cassava bread, identified by their origin as: "Cassava bread Miranda", "Cassava bread Sucre" and "Cassava bread Amazonas". Results:  The total DF content and soluble fraction were significantly higher in the varieties of cassava breads varieties Amazonas and Sucre (p <0.05). The inclusion of cassava bread in diets produced an increase in stool weight as well as in nitrogen content (p <0.05), without presenting significant differences in the excretion of urinary nitrogen. Protein absorption and apparent nitrogen retention decreased significantly (p <0.05) until day 14 of the experimental period. However, it could be seen that at the end of the trial (day 21) the apparent nitrogen retention showed no difference between the controls and the experimental groups. Conclusions: the inclusion of cassava bread in the diets did not produce a reduction in the use of proteins to affect the growth of the animals. The need to continue conducting studies in this area is considered, since the literature is very scarce


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Author Biographies

Ana Ávila, Nutrition and Dietetics School. Central University of Venezuela.

Magister en Nutrición. Licenciada en Nutrición y Dietética. Profesora Asociada de la Cátedra de Nutrición Humana. Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas-Venezuela. 

Mirla Morón, Nutrition and Dietetics School. Central University of Venezuela.

Magister en Nutrición. Licenciada en Nutrición y Dietética. Profesora Asociada de la Cátedra de Nutrición Humana. Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas-Venezuela. 

Pablo Hernandez, Nutrition and Dietetics School. Central University of Venezuela.

Magister en Nutrición. Licenciado en Nutrición y Dietética. Profesor Instructor de la Cátedra de Nutrición Humana. Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas-Venezuela.

Francisco Torrealba, Medical School, Central University of Venezuela

Médico Cirujano. Escuela de Medicina “Luis Razetti”. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Central de Venezuela. 


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How to Cite

Ávila, A., Morón, M., Hernandez, P., & Torrealba, F. (2018). Effect of casabe bread consumption on apparent absorption and retention of proteins in a rat experimental model. Revista Digital De Postgrado, 7(1). Retrieved from http://caelum.ucv.ve/ojs/index.php/rev_dp/article/view/15364

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