Democracy as a tragic regime and political culture in Latin America. A note from the proposal of Cornelius Castoriadis



This article makes a brief review of the changes that the crisis of referents in the left-wing political culture in the West introduced in the debates of that same sector in Latin America. Based on the proposal of Cornelius Castoriadis, what was and continues to be the emergence of the bureaucratic phenomenon, the criticism of Third Worldism and finally the contribution, from a tragic posture in the classical sense, to the project of the autonomous society by the Author. Finally, the consequences of this reflection are addressed for some aspects considered key in the field of communication and the electoral procedure in the continent.


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Author Biography

Rafael Miranda Redondo, Cátedra Interinstitucional Cornelius Castoriadis, Chiapas, México.

Coordinador General de la Cátedra Interinstitucional Cornelius Castoriadis (CICC78), y del Seminario permanente “El proyecto de autonomía hoy”, alumno de Castoriadis en su etapa de formación, responsable de la Guía de Autoformación79 que presenta en video conferencias y debates sobre diferentes temas relativos al pensamiento de Castoriadis, y encargado de la sección en español del sitio Cornelius Castoriadis Agora International (AI)80. Es una voz absolutamente autorizada en relación al pensamiento de Castoriadis y a su introducción en el escenario político latinoamericano.



How to Cite

Miranda Redondo, Rafael. 2024. “Democracy As a Tragic Regime and Political Culture in Latin America. A Note from the Proposal of Cornelius Castoriadis”. Anuario ININCO / Investigaciones De La Comunicación 31 (1):46-64.



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