Pathology of the testicle after long-term anabolic steroid treatment in a thoroughbread horse from Venezuela


  • Abelardo Morales Briceño
  • Francisco Garcia
  • Mario Rossini
  • Gerardo Campos
  • Victor Bermúdez


The aim of this study was to describe a case of pathology of the testicle after long-term anabolic steroid treatment in a Thoroughbread horse. Were study an equine Thoroughbread with cryptorchidism from Venezuela, male of 5 years old.With history of lameness chronic and subfertility. Necropsy was performed and samples of testicle tissue were collected.The tissue samples were fixed in formalin and processed by conventional H&E techniques. Additionally, the special staining procedure of Tricromico de Gomory and Blue VonKossa were also carried out. Samples of blood and urine were recollected for toxicological by competitive ELISA. The left testicle was diameter testicle 6cm. and cryptorchidism (testicle right). Macroscopic were observed bilateral fibrosis parenchyma testicle and atrophic. The histological study revealed atrophy of seminiferous tubules and interstitial fibrosis increases in collagen fibres in the lamina propria of seminiferous tubules and testicular interstitium. Lamina propria surrounding atrophic tubules was thickened by an increase in collagen type IV and elastic fibres and by proliferation of bizarre myoid cells. Basal lamina was also thickened but had decreased for collagen type IV. Special stain Tricromico de Gomory (+) showed fibrosis interstitium severed and VonKossa(-) no evidence mineral. Toxicological studies allowed the detection of boldenona and dexamethasone generic in blood and urine samples. To conclude, we detected the presence of pathology of the testicle associated a after long-term anabolic steroid treatment in a Thoroughbred horse.


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Biografía del autor/a

Abelardo Morales Briceño

Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCentral University of Venezuela Maracay, Aragua State Venezuela

Francisco Garcia

Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCentral University of Venezuela Maracay, Aragua State Venezuela

Mario Rossini

Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCentral University of Venezuela Maracay, Aragua State Venezuela

Gerardo Campos

Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCentral University of Venezuela Maracay, Aragua State Venezuela

Victor Bermúdez

Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary ScienceCentral University of Venezuela Maracay, Aragua State Venezuela


Cómo citar

Morales Briceño, A., Garcia, F., Rossini, M., Campos, G., & Bermúdez, V. (2012). Pathology of the testicle after long-term anabolic steroid treatment in a thoroughbread horse from Venezuela. AVFT – Archivos Venezolanos De Farmacología Y Terapéutica, 30(3). Recuperado a partir de