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Título : Integral representation of kernels invariant with respect to local semigroups of isometries and generalization of the Krein - Schwartz theorem.
Autor : Bruzual, Ramón
Palabras clave : kernel
positive definite
Fecha de publicación : 1987
Editorial : Acta Científica Venezolana
Citación : ;5-6
Resumen : tWe show that the theory of local semigroups of isometric operators leads to a generalization of the Krein-Berezanski-Korsunski decomposition of invariant kernels, which allows to extend the Bochner-Schwartz and the Krein-Schwartz theoremo generalized Toeplitz kernels.
ISSN : 0001-5504
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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