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Título : Functions of Bounded (p(⋅),2)-Variation in De la Vallée Poussin-Wiener’s Sense with Variable Exponent
Autor : Mejia, Odalis
Silvestre, Pilar
Valera-López, Maira
Palabras clave : Generalized Variation
De la Vallée Poussin
( p (⋅), 2) -Variation in Wiener’s Sense
Variable Exponent
Composition Operator
Matkowski’s Condition
Fecha de publicación : 15-Feb-2020
Citación : 2017;7
Resumen : In this paper we establish the notion of the space of bounded (p(⋅), 2)- variation in De la Vallée Poussin-Wiener’s sense with variable exponent. We show some properties of this space ( ( ) ) [ ] ,2 , Wp BV[a,b] ⋅ and we show that any uniformly bounded composition operator that maps this space into itself necessarily satisfies the so-called Matkowski’s conditions.
ISSN : 2160-0384
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Publicados

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