Features of immunological and nonspecific reactivity of the organism, clinical flow of chronic obstructive bronchitis based on the estimation of quality and quantitative composition of microelements (me) in the blood


  • M. A Buleshov
  • N. Atymbetova
  • A. M Buleshova
  • D. M Buleshov
  • S. A Tuktibaeva
  • K. S Kemelbekov

Palabras clave:

residential areas, anthropotechnological pollution, changes in the microelement composition of blood, heavy metals, lead, reduction of resistance, chronicity of pathological processes, chronic obstructive bronchitis.


The paper analyzes the features of the immunologicaland non-specific reactivity of the organism,clinical flow of chronic obstructive bronchitisbased on the estimation of quality and quantitativecomposition of microelements (ME) in the blood. Theobserved changes in microelements, humoral immunity,and neutrophil activity indicate the active participation ofmicroelements in the pathological process. The increasein the level of individual microelements reflects the highprotective ability of the patient. Therefore, pathogenicallyjustified in the prevention of exacerbation of chronic obstructivebronchitis is therapy with elements.

