To analyze the causes of delayed immunizationwith pneumococcal vaccine, as well as the impactof vaccination on the aetiology and severityof pneumonia in young children. Individual healthrecords (f112/u) and vaccination records (f 063) of 309children with delayed pneumonia vaccination were studied.The children were divided into two groups. The firstgroup includes children (n=163) with vaccination refusals,the second group includes those with temporary medicalcontraindications (n=146). Additionally, retrospectivestudy of health records of 71 children aged 0 days to 1.5years was conducted. They were divided into 2 groups:the first included vaccinated children (n=36), the second– unvaccinated (n=35). To compare the data of 2 groups,IBM SPSS Statistics 20 was used for the calculation of CI(Confidence interval) for the ratio with the specified plevel– 0.05. Vaccination refusals in the described casesamounted to 52.7%, temporary medical contraindicationwas 47.2%. Among the main reasons for vaccination refusals,distrust of the vaccine is a prevailing one – 39.9%.Severe pneumonia in unvaccinated children was 42.9%(CI 95%, 26.5-59.3) of the total number of cases. In vaccinatedchildren, the proportion of severe pneumonia was22.2 % (CI 95%, 8.6 – 35.8) of the total number of cases.Thus, cases of severe pneumonia development in unvaccinatedchildren are 20.7% more than in vaccinated children,p>0.05. It should be noted that the applied for thecomparison 95 % CI did not show statistically significantdifferences in the two groups, which indicates the needfor further study of the issue of increasing the sample size.