Adherence to Treatment in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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Guillermo Veitia
Beatriz Pernalete


Today one of the most important aspects of the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is strict compliance with the advice they are given in order to improve disease activity, which in turn will lead to better quality of life. Nonadherence to medication is associated with higher levels of disease activity, greater use of health services, and reduced quality of life1. Treatment goals in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD) have changed in recent years due to increases in knowledge about these complex and heterogeneous diseases, which has led to concepts such as inverted pyramid, early accelerated and/or combination therapy, mucosal healing, and deep remission. Although many patients may be satisfied with the healthcare services because of the impact on their quality of life, including personal and professional relationships, it is necessary to improve the speed of diagnosis and communication between patients and healthcare providers2. A new goal-oriented treatment approach is needed, with increased monitoring and stricter control of symptoms and inflammation. To reach these goals it is extremely important for every doctor’s office, hospital, and multidisciplinary team working in IBD to understand and stress to the patients and their families the importance of adhering to treatment so that they are fully aware of the direct relationship between treatment and the improvement that it seeks to achieve. Adherence to treatment is important for it to succeed.


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Cómo citar
Veitia, G. ., & Pernalete, B. . (2022). Adherence to Treatment in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Revista Latinoamericana De Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal (antigua IBD Reviews), 2(2). Recuperado a partir de

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