Menstrual Migraine: Use of Steroid Hormones

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José Núñez-Troconis


Menstrual migraine is a condition in females where headaches are linked with menstruation. Hormonal fluctuations could have a key role in migraine pathogenesis, as several women experience that their migraine attacks correlate with their menstrual cycle. Estrogen withdrawal appears to have a significant role in migraine associated with menstrual cycles, even though its pathophysiology is not well known. Although clinical and basic science studies have advanced our understanding of the mechanisms of sex hormones, many questions remain, and our understanding of this topic continues to evolve. This article highlights the use of sexual hormones in women who suffer from menstrual migraine.


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Cómo citar
Núñez-Troconis, J. . (2024). Menstrual Migraine: Use of Steroid Hormones. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 132(3), 761–771. Recuperado a partir de