Parental school support and academic performance in students from Boyacá, Colombia

Contenido principal del artículo

Sonia Raquel Tamayo Jiménez
Ingrid Selene Torres-Rojas
Adriana Cristina Acosta Ramos
Luz Karime Hernández Villadiego
Maira A. López-Castellar


Introduction: Parental support includes important aspects such as school performance to support children and benefit their academic achievements, and in teaching practice, there is evidence of the lack of this parental involvement in the face of the support required by students. Objective: To analyze the relationship between parental school support and the academic performance of students in two educational institutions in the municipality of Santa Rosa de Viterbo (Boyacá – Colombia) for the year 2021.


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Cómo citar
Tamayo Jiménez, S. R. ., Torres-Rojas, I. S. ., Acosta Ramos, A. C. ., Hernández Villadiego, L. K. ., & López-Castellar, M. A. . (2023). Parental school support and academic performance in students from Boyacá, Colombia. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 131(S3). Recuperado a partir de
Biografía del autor/a

Ingrid Selene Torres-Rojas, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Popayán, Colombia



Luz Karime Hernández Villadiego, Universidad Popular del Cesar. Valledupar. Colombia

Maira A. López-Castellar, Universidad Popular del Cesar. Valledupar, Colombia

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