Caregiving and parenting practices during mandatory confinement by COVID-19 of early childhood caregivers

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Ferdy Arguello-Muñoz
Mónica Herazo-Chamorro
Paola Vanegas-Vergara
Patricia Mendivil Hernández
Ángela Arrieta-Fontalvo


Introduction: During the COVID-19 infection, the population of infants and adolescents has been the most affected in aspects such as health, adequate nutrition, responsive care, protection, and safety, among others. Objective: To describe the care and upbringing practices of early childhood caregivers during compulsory confinement, from the point of view of health, nutrition, and psycho-pedagogical support.



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Cómo citar
Arguello-Muñoz, F. ., Herazo-Chamorro, M., Vanegas-Vergara, P. ., Mendivil Hernández, P. ., & Arrieta-Fontalvo, Ángela . (2023). Caregiving and parenting practices during mandatory confinement by COVID-19 of early childhood caregivers. Gaceta Médica De Caracas, 131(S3). Recuperado a partir de